How to Protect Your Data From Unsecured Apps


So here we are discussing How to protect your data from unsecured apps? If you use your phone even to do your business and important tasks, you may also be destroyed by some viruses or malware on your phone.

Table of Contents

Reading this can help you with:

  • You will know what things you should focus on when installing an app.
  • Will know how to protect your phone from unsecured apps.
  • You will see how these apps can get into your data.
  • You will learn the tips and tricks to secure your data.

Here we begin:

Life seems to be meaningless without a smartphone. Every human being has a smartphone to use. There would be no person in the world who would not be familiar with the smartphone. Nowadays, Kids also have their smartphones to use because it has become our necessity more than a lifestyle. 

Every business, promotion, lecture for studies, almost every aspect of life can be achieved and communicated through smartphones. It is no doubt smartphones have made our lives very smart. But along these positive sides for smartphones, it becomes an inconvenience for us if we lose our data passwords or are hacked by someone. 

So it’s very important to secure your data. Following are the tips and tricks described; you can use them to secure your personal data without hesitation. You will be at a positive aspect of life.

Tips and Tricks to Secure your Data:

As everyone has their own life to live, also they will have personal dealings, emotions, and many other aspects, which can be reflected in your data. 

So securing personal data should be the number one priority for everyone. Use the following tips and tricks and enjoy personal life without convenience in smartphones’ digital life.

1) Install Apps From Official Play Stores Only:

If you are an android user, always download apps from Google Play Store.iPhone users can download apps of their interest from Apple Play Store. 

These stores are the most secure platforms; you can download your applications from there. The Google play store continuously checks the malware in their apps; the Apple Play Store also does.

2) Have A Look On Reviews And Rating Section:

When you are about to download and install an application, you should be aware of that application developer. Check the developer’s other apps to see whether there would not be scamming applications. Also, look at the comments section to get some guidance from the people who are already using this application. 

The rating also shows how safe and interesting this app is. Beware of scam reviews, and developers might have bought reviews. There could be a review with empty spacing and five stars.

3) Keep Your Apps Updated:

Security developers and researchers suggest keeping your apps updated. This is very necessary to update your favorite apps as it helps in protecting your data. 

Old versions might have some vulnerabilities, so developers decide to be stronger and safer. So turn on the automatic updates feature in the App Store and create an inconvenience for hackers to reach your data.

4) Clear Your Caches And Cookies:

Many apps and websites use your cache and cookies data to provide you with better-searching results. Always look for your cache and cookies to be cleared, as they might have your personal web data stored.

5) Use Strong Passwords:

If you use smartphones without keeping them locked, then your personal data is at risk. First, go and have a strong password for your smartphone to unlock. Many apps demand usernames and passwords for logging in. 

Keep your passwords complicated by using alphabets, numerics, and symbols. Also, look for the 2-factor authentication to log in. In this process, they send you a code on your number or email to verify that you are the person logging in to your account. Facebook has this feature, and you can turn it on.

6) Be Careful while using Public WIFI:

Many of us enjoy using free WIFI, but there are many chances to access your data by others. 

Especially those who have some business and travel to different locations must have their private connection so their private data cannot be accessed. 

Everyone who is using free WIFI can access your smartphone and can hack. Try to use a VPN to create an encrypted connection server based on another location, and security checkers suggest not using free WIFI. Remember, you can be accessed by your Bluetooth, so check if your Bluetooth is ON.

7) Read Permissions Carefully While Installing Apps:

When you download the app and install it, you will have to check some security permissions. Be careful and read those permissions; look whether there are hidden permissions to use your camera microphone. 

For example, you have downloaded an app to check weather forecasting. That app may ask permission to check your location, but if that app demands your camera and microphones access, don’t install it.

8) Don’t allow others to login from your smartphones:

Suppose you are a business person or any other occupation you have. In that case, you might have your business data on your smartphone. Many apps sync your data continuously from your smartphones. 

If you allow others to log in to their smartphone accounts, that app will sync your data to their accounts within a minute. Check before syncing is off for that app before giving your smartphone.


In conclusion, you should have to look for these things to protect your phone from unsecured apps is, install apps from trusted storesgo through the app permissionsdon’t use public WIFIkeep your apps updatedclear cache and cookiesuse strong passwords, and don’t allow others to login from your smartphone.

Peace Out!

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